Remembering 9 7 X :
< 1998 Dec
1999-Feb _ < _1999-Nov_ < _ 2000 _ < < _ 2001-'03 _ <
> _ 2005-'09 _   > _ 2010-'11 _ >


5120 College Corner Pike OXford OHIO 1983 - 5/14/2004


These are all 48kbs, and most are between about 60KBytes, and 100KB, and between 8 seconds and 25 Sec. with a second or two of the song ending before, and the song starting next.
From May 2004:

9th:  4 files, 392KB Total
outstanding  |  cleaner-fresher  | 

  97x-History-Archive  |  independnt_m

10th:  17 files, 1.2MB total
adventurous | alternative | diversity  | dont-move | dream |

illegel  | less_traveld  | music_lovers  |  names-  |

no_comprmise  |  over  |  pegs  |  real-thing  |  scientst  | 

stockpile  |  window  |  your-music 

11th:  17 files, 1.4MB total
  a-friend  |   air_checks  |  bamm  |  beacon  |  beacon-  |  dream-  |  fiercely-indi  | 

  less_travld  |   local_licks  | "  mil-intelegence  |  never  |  no-comprimise  |  not_just  |

 not-just | protecting |  real-people_real-radio |  saving_the-world

12th: 9 files, 894.0KB total
 1-2-1  |  97x_woxy  |   baamm  |  diversity  |  independent_fsaving-the  |  time-well-spent  |   ;window-  |  your_music