May 23, 

Bush answers on 9/11 overdue

A fter the Bay of Pigs disaster
  when the CIA tried to in-
 vade Cuba, President John
F. Kennedy took personal respon-
sibility and ordered an independ-
ent investigation. In fact, the
invasion had been planned during
the Eisenhower administration,
and JFK could easily have blamed
the mess on his predecessor.
    After the Pearl Harbor attack,
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
established an investigation com-
mission chaired by Supreme Court
Justice Owen D. Roberts, a Repub-
lican who had been the prosecutor
for the notorious Teapot Dome
    Patently, President Bush is not
going to assunme responsibility for
the World Trade Center catastro-
phe. His political allies blame for-
mer President Bill Clinton(as they
are blaming him three years later
for the current recession). More-
over, Bush continues to stonewall
attempts to set up an independent
investigation of what went wrong,
and continues to sit on the 900-
page report prepared by a biparti-
san congressional committee.
    The White House excuse for this
cover-up is that discussion about
what went wrong in the months
before the destruction of the
World Trade Center would inter-
fere with the "war on terrorism."
There are several things wrong
with this argument. First, if there
is not something to hide, why not
release the report? Second, FDR
and JFK had real wars to fight--
the former against imperial Japan,
the latter a cold war against world
communism. Third, the "war on
terrorism" is a metaphor (just like
the "war on drugs," the "war on
AIDS," the "war on hunger," the
"war on poverty") for a struggle
against international criminals. It
is a useful political label for a pres-
ident who wants to be re-elected as
a wartime leader and to land on an
aircraft carrier dressed in flight
gear (even though he was in effect
AWOL for at least a year during
the Vietnam War). The metaphor
conceals what is different in the
struggle against Islamic funda-
mentalism when compared to the
war against imperial Japan. Ad-

If there is not something
to hide, why not release
the report?

mitting the mistakes the adminis-
tration made in July and August
2001 will not give aid and comfort
to anyone, and certainly not to al-
    Instead, the president continues
to respond to terror with his cow-
boy rhetoric: We will get Osama
bin Laden. We will get the Mullah
Omar. We will get the terrorists
who blew the hole in the USS Cole.
We will get the anthrax killer. We
will get Saddam Hussein and his
killers who attacked the com-
pounds in Saudi Arabia.
  The latter will be quite a trick
since the killers were suicide
bombers, and Bush will have to
bring them back from the dead to
haul them into court.
    No one seems to notice that we
have not found bin Laden or the
mullah. The Cole terrorists es-
caped from jail in Yemen--un-
doubtedly with the help of some
elements in the Yemeni govern-
ment (although Attorney General
John Ashcroft, with the usual dis-
play of sanctimony, has indicted
them). We have not found--or
perhaps not arrested--the anthrax
killer. Saddam is hiding some-
where, probably in a bunker in
Baghdad with his sons. Thirty of
his top aides are still on the loose.
    The people Bush proposed to
smoke out and "get" are still free.
Moreover, some of the CIA offi-
cials who "dropped the ball" in the
summer of 2001 have been pro-
moted. Yet the media who were so
eager to pry into the private life of
President Clinton seem disinclined
to uncover the real story of what
happened during that summer and
whether the same people who 
dropped the ball then are still
dropping it.
    Nor have they paid any atten-
tion to the president's claim out
there on the aircraft carrier Abra-
ham Lincoln that al-Qauda was on
the run. After the explosions in
Saudi Arabia and Morocco and the
threats in Kenya, it would appear
that they are not on the run at all.
It would also appear that if one
continues to believe Bush's rheto-
ric, one is accepting as true state-
ments that might be less that true.
Finally, it is high time that some-
one in this country remembers
FDR and JFK and wants to know
what is really happening. What's
the president trying to hide?