A lot more than one bridge could crumble under GOP


A       40-year-old bridge collapses
      into the Mississippi River in
      Minneapolis. Levees give way
in New Orleans at the foot of the
Mississippi. An 83-year-old steam
pipe produces an eruption that ter-
rorizes Manhattan. As our infra-
structure literally crumbles beneath
our feet, America is building the
largest embassy compound in the
world in lraq—an area larger than
the Pentagon—to manage a war
now estimated to cost $1 trillion.
What happened at both ends of
the Mississippi and is happening in
cities across the country are
tragedies, but they aren’t random ac-
cidents They are the direct price of
the right wing in power. Scornful of
government, intent on cutting taxes
and slashing spending they system-
atically have shorted public invest-
ment in our basic infrastructure —
in bridges and roads, in rail lines and
air systems, in parks and schools.
  The American Society of Civil En-
gineers gave America a D for its in-
frastructure in their most recent re-
port in 2005. Ironically bridges did
better — a grade C — than sewers,
water treatment and a range of
other areas. In the report, more than
one out of every four bridges in
America were rated as structurally
deficient or functionally obsolete.
Don’t think about that when you
drive over your next bridge.
  For over 25 years, we’ve cheated
on public investment. “Govern-
ment,” Ronald Reagan preached. “is
not the solution. Government is the
problem.” Activists like Grover
Norquist took this to the extreme,
saying “I don’t want to abolish gov-
ermnent. I simpiy want to reduce it
to the size where I can . . . drown it in
the bath tub?’
  Norquist and his allies have bul
lied Republicans into signing a
pledge never to raise taxes. In Min-
nesota, the conservative governor,
Tim Pawlenty, campaigned against
taxes and vetoed an appropriation
bill that would have provided in-
creased funds for highway and
bridge repairs. Interstate 35’s Bridge
9340, rated structurally deficit by
the U.S. Department of Transporta-
tion, had repairs on it postponed for
a year
  One trillion dollars squandered in
the debacle in Iraq, A clamp on vital
investments here at home. Those are
the stated priorities of modern-day
conservatives — a far remove from
those of President Dwight Eisen-
hower, who built the interstate high-
way system while putting a lid on
military spending and balancing the
budget. Ike knew that infrastructure
was important; military adventur-
ism was dangerous and fiscall bal-
ance was common sense. Modern-
day conservatives have abandoned
every part of his lessons.
  Of course, conservatives will deny
that they are responsible for the
crumbling of America. In the Repub-
lican debate in Iowa, every leading
Republican presidential contender
called for staying in Iraq and op-
posed increasing taxes on the
wealthy even as they admitted the
need to invest in our infrastructure.
They are peddling fantasies to a peo-
ple in desperate need of the truth.
  As Minneapolis showed, disdain
for public investment can be deadly
It also snuffs out hope. Our schools
are old and crowded. There simply
isn’t the space to provide rising en-
rollments with the smaller classes
that are so necessary for the early
years. We should be making schools
modern sanctuaries for children,
demonstrating how important we
take their education to be. instead,
we send them into drafty and dank
buildings, with broken windows, out-
moded heating systems and
crowded classrooms. That is the
first lesson they learn.
  No one should be fooled. Those
who choose to spend $11 billion a
month in Iraq while shorting vital in-
vestments here at home aren’t se-
ctuing America; they are weakening
  And as citizens from New Orleans
to Manhattan to Minneapolis have
discovered, we are all more vulnera-
ble as a result.