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This time, Europe's hatred justified


C OLOGNE, Germany-- 
        There were Americanflags 
        all over the houseI visited 
the other day in the suburbs of this
lovely city. Two of the children of 
the house -- two German  kids on 
the edge of what we would call 
young adulthood --had studied in 
the United States and learned to 
love the country. What about the 
Iraq  war? I asked their father, a
social science colleague. They are 
able to make the distinction, he 
replied, between the war, of which 
they strongly disapprove, and the
United States, which they admire.
  In other words, between the
  country and its present leadership. 
It is not a distinction that everyone 
in Europe is ready to make. Hating 
America is the anti-Semitism of 
the European intelligentsia. It al-
ways has been. Unfortunately, the 
Bush administration has poured 
fuel on the flames of that hatred.
    Why hate America?
    There are many reasons. We are 
rich and powerful -- and sometimes 
obnoxiously loud. The  United 
States saved Europe in two hot wars 
and one cold war. It provided the 
umbrella of military protection that 
enabled Western Europe to achieve
the prosperity it now takes for 
granted. Cologne has come a long 
way from the ruins that Heinrich 
Boll described in his early novels.

Without the Marshall Plan, the 
Berlin airlift and the Seventh Army, 
that re-emergence could never have 
happened. Gratitude for American 
help? Rather, resentment and envy. 
No good deed goes unpunished.
    Moreover, from the beginning of 
first tentative steps, American pol-
icy supported the development of 
what is now the European Union. 
For that, Europeans, so proud that 
their borders now include most of 
the continent, will never be able to 
forgive us. Like I say, no good deed 
goes unpunished.  It is great fun to 
bite the hand that has fed you.
    Now hatred for America is so 
strong that in countries like Ger-
many and Spain political losers can
become winners simply by running 
against George W. Bush. President 
Jacques Chirac, a corrupt and in-
competent man, rises to new heights 
of popularity because he filibusters

Political losers can
become winners simply
by running against Bush.

against the invasion of Iraq. One 
hears that he believed that would be 
his legacy. He stood up to the 
United States and saved Saddam 
Hussein, an ally of France. It would 
also appear that Saddam believed
that the United States would not in-
vade because France and Russia 
would save him. He had not read 
the writings of the neo-conservative 
intellectuals who had infiltrated the 
Bush administration and were de-
termined to invade Iraq, and indeed 
preferred a unilateral invasion.
    It is galling that,  in retrospect, 
Chirac and German Chancellor Ger-
hard Schroeder and Russian Presi-
dent Vladimir Putin were right. 
Saddam was a bad man whom the 
world had to watch closely. But he 
did not have those weapons of mass 
destruction and had not partici-
pated in the World Trade Center at-
tack. Indeed, Deputy Defense Secre-
tary Paul Wolfowitz, the prince of
darkness of the neo-conservatives, 
admitted that the weapons were a 
bureaucratic pretext for a war that 
was desirable for other reasons (like 
''reshaping'' the Middle East).
  This time European hatred of 
America was absolutely correct, 
though most do not make the dis-
tinction of my friends here in 
Cologne between the Bush adminis-
tration, which was not elected by the 
majority of Americans, and the good 
spirits of our country. This time the 
country is not being punished for its 
good deeds but for a very bad deed: 
a criminally unjust war.
    It is useful to see how the war is 
covered by the European media, 
such as the BBC and Irish Times
(which I read every day). Their
''slant'' is a useful correction to that
provided (until very recently) by
American media. However, there is 
also an evident satisfaction -- one 
might almost say celebration -- of 
the humiliation and corruption of 
American power in Iraq.
    A retired American diplomat who 
had served in Ireland recently 
blamed the Irish Times for the
World Trade Center attack. It is 
true the newspaper has historically 
been critical of the U.S. government, 
but no more critical than of the Irish 
government. Yet it delights now in 
every new American failure.
    Hopefully, when the United 
States breaks out of its present ob-
sessions, there will be enough peo-
ple like my young Koelners who 
realize what it really stands for.