How many more Iraqis must die for our revenge?



count because they look funny and
talk funny and have a funny reli-
gion. Besides they're Arabs, and
we have a score to settle with
Arabs because of their attack on
the World Trade Center. Yet if we
are able to sustain the number of
deaths that have happened as a
consequence of the invasion, we
will soon have accounted for as
many as Saddam Hussein did.
That's a lot of dead Arabs -- and a

Americans --so serenely

 is on our side--should li

    OK, lets say there's only 50,000
extra dead. So that's not so bad,
right? Americans are never going
to have to render an accounting to
their Creator for having supported
such a massacre. Right?
    I don't judge the conscience of

confident that the Lord

ve in fear of punishment.

sponsible for the plight of the
Palestinians  --  though very few
Muslims believe that. We are cer-
tainly  responsible  for  what  we
have done and will do to the Iraqis
during the next four years of folly.
God help us all.

draw the numerical limit after
which the unnecessary deaths of
the innocent become a horrible
crime? How many hundred thou-
    The United States has fought
unjust wars before -- Mexican
American, the Indian Wars, Span-
ish American, the Filipino Insur-
rection, Vietnam. Our hands are
not clean. They are covered with
blood this time, and there'll be
The election is over and so we
    can forget about the Iraq
    war. It is no longer a political
issue and hence matters to no one.
The American electorate has fol-
lowed the tradition of standing by
a wartime president and thus en-
dorsing the president's war. It was
once his war. Now the election has
made it our war. The issue is
    A recent report suggested that if
one compares the number of
deaths that usually occur in Iraq
per year with the number since
Bush's invasion, the cost of the
war in dead Iraqis may be more
than a hundred thousand human
beings. Now Iraqi deaths don't

lot of bereaved spouses, parents,
children, other relatives and
friends. How many before will we
have to kill before we're satisfied
with our revenge?
    Someone might say that when
leaders of a country have caused so
many deaths that they might just
deserve to be hauled before an in-
ternational court of justice as war
criminals -- especially if the war
was based on false premises and
conducted with an ineptitude that
staggers the mind. It is an unnec-
essary, unjust, stupid, sinful war.
The majority of Americans have
assumed responsibility for the war.
Therefore they share responsibil-
ity for all the Iraqi deaths.

anyone, leader or follower. I am
merely saying that there is objective
sin in the Iraq war, and our country
as a country is guilty of sin. I'll leave
it to God to judge the guilt, because
that's God's job. I also leave it to
God to judge whether there ought to
be punishment for that sin. How-
ever, I think Americans -- so
serenely confident that the Lord is
on our side -- should live in fear
and trembling about punishment.
    The terrorists blew up the
World Trade Center because they
believed that the United States
has done terrible things to Pales-
tinians. The next explosion will be
revenge for what we have done to
Iraqis. We may not have been re-
    Because we are the only super-
power, there is little chance that
our leaders will be indicted as war
criminals or that an invading army
will punish the American people
the way we punished the Germans
after the war.
    Don't give me that stuff that the
Iraq war is not comparable to
World War II. That argument de-
liberately misses the point that a
country is responsible for the
deaths it causes because of an un-
just war, even if the deaths are nu-
merically small compared to
deaths from another war. An un-
just war is an unjust war and the
death of innocents is the death of
innocents. Where does one want to

more blood this time.
    The one faintly bright spot is
that our victorious wartime presi-
dent, now that he has been re-
elected, might be able to extricate
himself from Iraq more quickly
than John Kerry. The war will
never end unless and until the
American government or the
American people say that it's
time to get out.
    Will that require four more
    (And before Catholics write me
hate mail saying that I'm a dis-
grace for attacking the war, they
should ponder writing a letter to
the pope who has made no secret
of his opposition.)