------------------------------THE NEW YORK TIMES OP-ED FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3,2006
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------YT                      A27

Insulting Our Troops, and Our Intelligence
    George Bush, Dick Cheney and
Don Rumsfeld think you're stupid.
Yes, they do.
    They think they can take a man-
gled quip about President Bush and
Iraq by John Kerry - a man who is
not even running for office but who,
unlike Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney,
never ran away from combat service
- and get you to vote against all
Democrats in this election.
    Every time you hear Mr. Bush or
Mr. Cheney lash out against Mr. Ker-
ry, I hope you will say to yourself,
"They must think I'm stupid. Be-
cause they surely do.
    They think that they can get you to
overlook all of the Bush team's real
and deadly insults to the U.S. mil-
itary over the past six years by hyp-

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ing   and   exaggerating   Mr.   Kerry's
mangled gibe at the president.
    What could possibly be more inju-
rious and insulting to the U.S. mil-
itary than to send it into combat in
Iraq   without   enough   men - to
launch an invasion of a foreign coun-
try not by the Powell Doctrine of
overwhelming   force,   but   by   the
Rumsfeld Doctrine of just enough
troops to lose? What could be a big-
ger insult than that?
    What could possibly be more inju-
rious- and insulting to our men and
women in uniform than sending
them off to war without the proper
equipment, so that some soldiers in
the field were left to buy their own
body armor and to retrofit their own
jeeps with scrap metal so that road-
side bombs in Iraq would only maim
them for life and not kill them? And
what could be more injurious and in-
sulting   than   Don   Rumsfeld's   re-
sponse to criticism that he sent our
troops off in haste and unprepared:
    Hey, you go to war with the army
you've got - get over it.
    What could possibly be more inju-
rious and insulting to our men and
women in uniform than to send them
off to war in Iraq without any coher-
ent postwar plan for political recon-
struction there, so that the U.S. mil-
itary has had to assume not only se-
curity responsibilities for all of Iraq
but the political rebuilding as well?
The Bush team has created a verita-
ble library of military histories -
from "Cobra II to "Fiasco to "State
of Denial - all of which contain the


We're not as stupid
as Bush thinks.

same damning conclusion offered by
the very soldiers and officers who
fought this war: - This administration
never had a plan for the morning af-
ter, and we've been making it up -
and paying the price - ever since.
    And what could possibly be more
injurious and insulting to our men
and women in Iraq than to send them
off to war and then go out and fi-
nance the very people they're fight-
ing against with our gluttonous con-
sumption of oil? Sure, George Bush
told us we're addicted to oil, but he
has not done one single significant
thing - demanded higher mileage
standards from Detroit, imposed a
gasoline tax or even used the bully
pulpit of the White House to drive
conservation - to end that addiction.
So we continue to finance the U.S.
military with our tax dollars, while
we finance Iran, Syria, Wahhabi
mosques and Al Qaeda madrassas
with our energy purchases.
    Everyone says that Karl Rove is a
genius. Yeah, right. So are cigarette
companies. They get you to buy ciga-
rettes even though we know they
cause cancer. That is the kind of gen-
ius Karl Rove is. He is not a man who
has designed a strategy to reunite
our country around an agenda of re-
newal for the 21st century - to bring
out the best in us. His "genius is tak-
ing some irrelevant aside by John
Kerry and twisting it to bring out the
worst in us, so you will ignore the
mess that the Bush team has visited
on this country.
    And Karl Rove has succeeded at
that in the past because he was sure
that he could sell just enough Bush
cigarettes, even though people knew
they caused cancer. Please, please,
for our country's health, prove him
wrong this time.
    Let Karl know that you're not stu-
pid. Let him know that you know that
the most patriotic thing to do in this
election is to vote against an admin-
istration that has - through sheer in-
competence - brought us to a point
in Iraq that was not inevitable but is
now unwinnable.
    Let Karl know that you think this is
a critical election, because you know
as a citizen that if the Bush team can
behave with the level of deadly in-
competence it has exhibited in Iraq
- and then get away with it by hold-
ing on to the House and the Senate
it means our country has become a
banana republic. It means our de-
mocracy is in tatters because it is so
gerrymandered, so polluted by
money, and so divided by profession-
al political hacks that we can no long-
er hold the ruling party to account.
    It means we're as stupid as Karl
thinks we are.
    I, for one, don't think we're that
stupid. Next Tuesday we'll see.