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Time to call Bush on lawbreaking |
The National Security Agency
Trust us, he says. Trust the president who led us into Iraq on the basis of disinforma- tion and misinformation? Trust the president who just weeks ago told us the NSA program involved only in- ternational calls with al-Qaida? The same president who said he'd fire anyone in the White House who helped leak the identity of Valerie Plame, the undercover CIA em- ployee whose husband helped ex- pose Bush's lies about Iraq's nuclear capacity? Now, with Karl Rove in the center of the effort to discredit Wilson and out Plame, the president says he has no comment on a contin- uing criminal investigation. This isn't a routine Washington dustup. This concerns the trampling of the Fourth Amendment by the government and the sale of our pri- vacy by the phone companies. And it isn't an isolated case. Bush, along __________ It is time for accountability. with Vice President Dick Cheney, who is the major force behind this thing, believes the president acts above the law in the war on terror. He claims the right to make war without a congressional declaration; to surveil Americans without war- rant; to arrest us without probable cause; to hold us without a hearing; to deny us the right to counsel or even to hear the charges against us if the government decides, on the basis of evidence they need not produce, to tag us as accomplices in the war on terror. Now most Americans would gladly sacrifice some of our liberties if it would increase our security |
against another Sept. 11. Bush counts on that feeling when he acts above the law. But the entire fabric of our freedom is woven into a sys- tem of checks and balances. Here, all the checks and balances have been tossed aside. Qwest, the only honorable phone company, re- fused to cooperate with the NSA in this program without a warrant or permission from the FISA Court. NSA refused to produce either; the FISA court was ignored. The NSA and the administration have simply refused to supply information to Congress, and the lame Republican Congress has refused to hold them accountable. When the Justice De- partment's independent Office of Professional Responsibility opened an investigation on the lawyers who signed off the program, the White House refused to provide the secrecy clearances needed to have the inves- tigation go forward. ''Trust us,'' the president says, and then he en- sures that we have no choice but to trust him, since every legal check and balance is locked out. It is time for accountability. Two public-interest lawyers have sued Verizon for $5 billion for violating the law, which should force the ad- ministration to defend the program before an independent court. Don't hold your breath for this Congress to hold hearings. But Democrats should stand up and promise an in- depth series of investigations of this administration and its lawlessness -- from Halliburton's making off with billions in sole-source contracts to the cesspool of hidden prisons to the trampling of liberties at home. We wage the war on al-Qaida ter- rorists in defense of our freedoms. We'd better make certain this ad- ministration isn't shredding those freedoms along the way. |