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No GOP monopoly on God |
id God vote Republican?
You'd think so if you listen to some of the evangelical supporters of George Bush Regular churchgoers voted dra- matically Republican in the elec- tion. Twenty percent of the voters identified "morals" as their major concern and voted overwhelmingly for George Bush (whereas those who named the economy and jobs or Iraq as their lead concerns voted 3 to 1 for John Kerry). Bush charged Kerry, a practicing Catholic, with representing Holly- wood values. Many voters believed in Bush because he had straightened himself out by taking Jesus into his life, and because he uses the imagery and language of evangelicals through his speeches. Democrats, Republican operatives charged, are simply divorced from the values of mainstream, religious America. But Republicans have no monop- oly on religion or on faith. And Re- publican policies often seem di- vorced from the teachings of the Bible. The Bible tells us we will be measured by how we treat the least of these. But under this president, poverty -- including childhood poverty -- is up. Poor children grow with inadequate nutrition, no health insurance, no preschool. Bush's poli- cies of top-end tax cuts and cuts in support for the poor only make |
things worse. Jesus was born in a manger, not in a mansion. He had a manger-up view of the world, not a mansion- down view. Jesus taught that a rich man was as likely to get into the kingdom as a camel through the eye of a needle. This was not exactly a widespread sentiment at the Repub- lican convention. He urged his followers to beware of worldly goods, to simplify their lives and follow him. He instructed them to serve the poor, not neglect them. Jesus taught us to love every child, to rise above the divisions of race or tribe or religion. When the men gathered to stone a prostitute, he challenged them. Who amongst you, he asked, can throw the first stone? He asked us to stand with the weak, the ill, the stranger in a for- eign land. The politics of division practiced in the last election, the ap- peals to our fear of the other, con- __________Republican policiesoften seem divorced from the teachings of the Bible. trast starkly with those teachings. |
God brought them a baby in the manger. Jesus taught the power of love, hope and charity -- not of weapons. He delivered them by sac- rificing himself that they may be free. His teachings are far removed from George Bush's "war of choice" in Iraq, the euphemism used to de- scribe an aggressive war on a coun- try that posed no threat to us. The pope has harshly criticized a war that the U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan has called illegal. Democrats, particularly those like Kerry who serve in the Senate a long time, do fall into the trap often of talking about plans and programs, not right and wrong. They talk pol- icy, not values. Not surprising, the Democrats who have fared well po- litically -- Jimmy Carter, Bill Clin- ton -- have been raised in the church and are comfortable with the teachings of the Bible. Americans sensibly want their leaders to have a strong moral grounding as they meet the challenges yet to come. But God is not a political animal. The Bible tells us to tell a tree by the fruit it bears, not the bark it wears. Christ warns against hypocrisy -- the public display of faith without a true heart or without deeds of faith. Conservatives now suggest that God is on the side of Republicans at home and America abroad. That Bush is right to sug- gest that he has a mission from above in the war on terror. This gets the equation exactly wrong. It isn't a question of whether God is on America's side. The question is whether America is on God's side. As war rages in Iraq and children go hungry in the richest nation on earth, the question should sober the political operatives who see God as a political weapon rather than an abiding guide. |