They have a right, you know |
It confounds me how harshly
some folk judge anti-war pro- testers. Callow and ineffective though these protesters may be, they are performed by people of con- science and ideals. As citizens, it's their duty to make their views heard. It seems we've grown so ac- customed to the idea of war that we think those who oppose it are crazy, traitorous, or both. __Let us be reminded that war should always be our last resort. It must never be embraced with rel- |
It seems we are so accustomed to the idea of war that we think its opponents are crazy. ish, regardless of its necessity. __To those who think the word "liberal" is a swear word and an in- sult, they need remindind that this country was founded upon the most liberal social ideals the world |
had ever seen: that each individual
has the rights over his government and the _responsibility _to_ act_ upon thoes rights. __It's often the highest act of pa- triotism for a citizen to oppose a government in time of war. Until those who heap disdain on the pro- testers recognize this, they cannot be the patriots they pretend to be. In fact, they are closer to traitors than the protesters. - Frank J. Hutton