July 20, 2005

Price of fear too high
in a free society
Opening shot
  Western democracy is a fraud whose true
purpose is to deny the masses access to truly
fine cheese, particularly goat cheese, and
keep them sated on processed gloop, such as
Velveeta. The entire edifice of falsity de-
serves to be overthrown, by force if neces-
sary, and replaced with a
world order of my own cre-
ation, a fromage-based
form of government I dub
   No, I don't really be-
lieve that. But I have the
right to say it -- for the
moment -- so I thought I
would, as way of introduc-
ing the frightening new
anti-terrorism laws being
proposed in Britain in the
wake of the London bomb-
ings. They would outlaw
"indirect incitement" to
terrorist acts, including
"attacking the values of
the West," as I do in my
brie-scented rant above.
   I understand that Britain
is not the United States --
like other European na-
tions, they lack a First
Amendment or, to quote a
chilling line in this week's
Economist, "Civil liberties
are a minority interest in
Britain.'' I guess so.
   But not here. Not yet. So
now is the time to get our
priorities straight, before
such attacks break out in
this country, as they likely
will, and emotion over-
whelms reason. Look to the
past as a guide, and under-
stand that, in almost every
crisis, our reaction to a
threat undercut our system
of government in a way the
menace never could.
   Lincoln's suspending of
habeas corpus during the
Civil War tore at our lib-
erty far more than the
Confederate army. During
World War I, the kaiser never scratched
our Constitution, but our deporting "radi-
cals'' did. The Japanese never set foot on
American soil -- they didn't have to: We
put our own citizens into internment
camps, almost as their proxy. In the 1950s,
we slid toward Soviet-style suppression in
the name of combatting the Soviets.
   By the time fear climbs into the driver's
seat -- the goal of terrorism, by the way --
it's too late. Like a mountaineer checking
essential gear before a tough climb, we
need to inventory our basic freedoms and
remind ourselves what we're all about. De-

fending Western values by constricting free
speech is a contradiction, since free speech
is the fundamental Western value, from
which all our progress flows. Unless mil-
lions are allowed to reject the current
thinking and be wrong, there will not be a
person who rejects the common wisdom
and is right. A free society endangers us,
without doubt. It is our Achilles Heel, and
our glory. It is the risk we take.
   Rough waters may be ahead. We should
prepare ourselves, now, so in the passion of
the moment, we remember to always ask
ourselves: Did so many Americans give up
their lives to save our freedom so that we
could give up our freedom to save our
Arise and tie your shoes slowly!
    This is the thought ex-
periment   I've   been
mulling over today: say, as
opposed to my cheese fan-
tasy, that you sincerely be-
lieve that airport security
is a facade, a way to dis-
tract Americans from true
dangers and get them used
to emptying out their
pockets on command. Say
you believe that the secu-
rity of the nation is not
helped in any way com-
mensurate with the loss of
liberty to those unfortu-
nate enough to travel. Say
you thought kicking off
your shoes when ordered is
sheeplike, un-American.
   Not extreme thoughts
by any means. They prob-
ably cross the minds of
most Americans.
   Now say you went a step
further. Not only do you
broadcast those beliefs, as
I have just done. But you
urge people to act on them
by slowing down the sys-
tem as much as possible.
Place your belongings on
the conveyer slowly. Lard
your suitcase with all sorts
of hidden metal scrap that
will have to be laboriously
detected and removed. De-
mand   the   full   cavity
   Suppose some radicals
began acting on that -- I'm surprised they
haven't -- and airports became clogged
with protesters gumming up the works.
   Should those people be arrested, and for
what? Taking off their shoes slowly? Un-
dermining American security? Treason?
   I don't know the answer. I realize that
we are the most free nation on Earth, and
that the menace of terror is very real. But
we need to ask ourselves these questions,
and remember that Islamic terror can take
innocent lives, but it can never harm our
American system, not the way that we can
harm it ourselves.