MAY 23,

PAGE 39 

Rove strategy isn't unimpeachable


There they go again. The
______Republican National Com-
_____mittee, the right-wing noise
_____machine and their spear carri--
_____trol minds through propaganda. 
_____ers in the mainstream media,
have been in attack mode over the
last few weeks. This time their tar-
get is Rep. John Conyers, the dis-
tinguished senior Democrat who
will become chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee if Democrats
win the House back this fall.
   With the president and the De-
Lay Congress about as popular as
big oil CEOs, the RNC is desperate
to demonize Democrats. So they
cooked up a campaign claiming that
if Democrats win the House, Cony-
ers is geared up to impeach the pres-
ident. This threat, they suggest, will
rouse the disaffected Republican
base and bring them out to vote in
large numbers.
   The mainstream media fell for
the bait. The ever-cooperative Tim
Russert grilled Democratic House
leader Nancy Pelosi, suggesting that
Conyers should take down the Web
site explaining his resolution provid-
ing for a bipartisan committee to in-
vestigate the administration and to
recommend whether or not im-
peachment hearings should begin.
(Pelosi, to her credit, didn't fold.
She said the Democrats would in-
vestigate the handling of intelligence
leading up to the war, the corruption

in the war and other administration
misdeeds. She reminded Russert
that checks and balances were the
essence of the Constitution.)
   But Democrats were spooked.
Their excitable inside-the-Beltway
strategists began worrying that the
Democratic left would blow the elec-
tion by alienating voters in swing
districts. Pelosi then had her spokes-
person announce that ''impeach-
ment wasn't in the cards'' if Democ-
rats took back the House.
   It is hard to sort out which is
more pathetic: the RNC for hyping
this gambit, the press for falling for
it or Democratic leaders for cower-
ing at the first sign of a dustup.
   I'd say let the RNC run the fall
election on the issue of saving
Bush's neck. ''This election isn't
about you,'' Republican candidates
would say, ''or your jobs, your sky-
rocketing health care and gas costs
The right wing has been
in attack mode over the
last few weeks.

or your stagnant incomes. And it's
not about the country being mired
in a costly occupation of Iraq, sad-
dled with record foreign debt, accel-
erating outsourcing and a $1 trillion
trade deficit this year alone. No, this
election is about George Bush. Vote
to protect him and Dick Cheney
from accountability. Vote Republi-
can. We may not do much for you,
but we'll keep George Bush and
Dick Cheney above the law.''
   The doyens of the press fell for
the RNC's line that this pap would
turn out their base, without a shred
of evidence to support it. Ironically,
just as the RNC's Conyers-demo-
nization campaign was winding
down, conservatives like Richard
Viguerie and James Dobson were
threatening that conservatives
might stay home in the fall. Defend-
ing the president from impeachment
was not high on their agenda.
   Moreover, investigation and im-
peachment of the president isn't
about election tactics. It is about
preserving the Constitution, the Re-
public and defending our liberties.
   This president has made a sweep-
ing claim to national security pre-
rogatives in a war on terror that has
no end. He says he can make war
without Congress, surveil you with-
out a warrant, lock you up without a
lawyer, keep you in jail so long as the
unending war goes on without a
hearing.    The Republican Congress has ut-
terly failed to provide even a mini-
mum of oversight and accountabil-
ity. Their concern has been to
protect their party and their presi-
dent before protecting the Constitu-
tion and its people.
   A Democratic Congress would
have a constitutional duty to investi-
gate and challenge the president's
claims. Investigating potential high
crimes and misdemeanors isn't par-
tisan. It isn't about ''settling scores.''
It's about protecting the Constitu-
tion and preserving the republic and
the rule of law.
   White House political guru Karl
Rove suggests that Republicans run
this fall by creating a choice: Democ-
rats will raise your taxes, cut and
run from Iraq and impeach the pres-
ident. Republicans will defend the
president's tax cuts and economy,
keep troops in Iraq till at least 2009,
and keep the president above ac-
countability. Let's have Rove's elec-
tion. It surely would help Democrats
take back the House.