TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2007

  | 27

Challenge our violent culture



"America is, by far, the most
        violent country in the
        world when measured
against comparable, industrial-
ized nations." That's the conclu-
sion of a report by a conservative
former California attorney gen-
eral, Dan Lungren.
    Today, America is at war in Iraq,
a war that the Bush administration
began of its own choice, against a
country that had not attacked us
(and in fact did not threaten us).
More than 3,500 soldiers and liter-
ally hundreds of thousands of
Iraqis have lost their lives, with
millions more displaced. We are
also at war in Afghanistan against
the Taliban. We patrol Bosnia,
have troops stationed on the bor-
der of North Korea. We have mili-
tary forces in over 700 bases lo-
cated in over 130 nations across
the globe. Our fleets patrol the
world's seas. We are the GloboCop.
    The United States has wit-
nessed more than 4,000 riots
from the 1600s to 1992, according
to Paul Gilje in Rioting in America.
Some 2 million people have been
killed or suffered serious injury,
which is an average of over 5,000
a year for nearly 400 years.
    But the deaths and casualties in
war are far outnumbered by the
slaughter wrought by Americans
killing Americans. Some 10 mil-
lion Americans were victims of vi-
olent crimes in the 20th century.
We have suffered more Ameri-
cans killed by Americans than our
combined losses in the Spanish
American War, World Wars I and
II, Korea and Vietnam.
    Americans have more guns and
suffer more gun crimes. We sell
more guns and military equipment
than any other country. Our mili-
tary budget is nearly half the mili-
tary budget of the entire world.
    Violence isn't simply part of our
history; it is embedded in our cul-
ture: TV, video games, music. A
culture of violence invades our
lives, from our homes to our
schools and work environments.
Moreover, violence has become en-
tertainment, glamorized in the be-
havior of real and fantasy heroes.
    The government, Justice Louis
Brandeis wrote, is the great
teacher. Our government teaches
us to believe in the efficacy of vio-
lence. Ironically, violence is
demonstrably ineffective. Our mili-
tary has never been more power-
ful than it is today, and our coun-
try has seldom felt more
threatened. Not one of the emerg-
ing security threats that we face
-- al-Qaida and stateless terror-
ism, catastrophic climate change,
nuclear proliferation, growing in-
equality and economic disloca-
tion, mass epidemics -- has a mili-
tary answer. Yet every one of the
major candidates for president in
both parties calls for increasing
the amount of money spent on the
military. Violence is our answer --
but what was the question?
    Dr. Martin Luther King chal-
lenged this commitment to vio-
lence, posing nonviolence as a
more effective measure of change.
You cannot bring democracy at the
point of a bayonet, he argued. A so-
ciety that spends more on military
adventure than on social provision
is a society that has lost its way.
    Nonviolence is in retreat. We
are at the end of a punitive era --
an era that railed against control-
ling guns, celebrated military ad-
venture, and ignored the rising
death toll at home and abroad.
    Now, in the wake of the Iraq de-
bacle, with violence in this society
once more on the rise, it is time to
change course. We must challenge
violence in America. We must
build a culture of nonviolence, a
culture that challenges the as-
sumption that violence is the
American way. We must ask: Has
policing the world made us more
secure? Has revoking gun-control
laws added to the security of our
neighborhoods? Isn't it time for
America to look hard once more at
the violence that is at the center of
our history and our present?