The Wreckage in the China Shop
After all the sound and fury of the past few years, how is the U.S. doing in its fight against terrorism? Not too well, according to a recent survey of more than 100 highly re- spected foreign policy and national se- curity experts. The survey, dubbed the "Terrorism Index," was conduct- ed by the Center for American Progress and Foriegn Policy maga- zine. The respondents included Re- publicans and Democrats, moderates, liberals and conservatives. The survey's findings were striking. A strong, bipartisan consensus emerged on two crucial points: 84 per- cent of the respondents said the Unit- ed States was not winning the war on ______________________________ TimesSelect:Guest Columnist:The Wild Side Oliv- ia Judson, an evolutionary biologist, explains why no subject should be taboo at least in science: Join the Conversation Readers can send columnists their comments: ______________________________ |
terror and 86 percent said the world was becoming more not less dan- gerous for Americans. The sound and fury since Sept. 11, 2001 -- the chest-thumping and mus- cle-flexing, the freedom fries, the Pa- triot Act, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the breathtaking expansion of presidential power, Guantanamo, ren- dition, the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars seems to have signifies very little. An article on the survey, in the July/August edition of Foreign Policy, said of the respondents, "They see a national security apparatus in disre- pair and a government that is failing to protect the public from the next at- tack." More than 8 in 10 of the re- spondents said they believed an at- tack in the U.S. on the scale of Sept.11 was likely within the next five years. Many of the respondents played im- portant national security roles in the government over the past few dec- ades. They included Lawrence Eagle- burger, who served as secretary of state under George H. W. Bush; An- thony Lake, a national security advis- er to Bill Clinton; James Woolsey, a |
former director of the Central Intelli- gence Agency; Richard Clarke, who served as counterterrorism czar in the Clinton and George W. Bush ad- ministrations and was in that post on Sept.11th; and Lawrence Korb, an as- sistant secretary of defense under Ronald Reagan. Experts' view of the antiterror effort. Noted academics and writers who specialized in foreign policy and na- tional security matters also partici- pated in the survey. "Respondents," according to a re- ports that accompanied the survey, "sharply criticized U.S. efforts in a number of key areas of national secu- rity, including public diplomacy, intel- ligence and homeland security. Near- ly all of the departmants and agencies responsible for fighting the war on terror received poor marks. |
"The experts also said that recent reforms of the national security appa- ratus have done little to make Ameri- cans safer. Asked about recent efforts to reform America's intelligence com- munity, for instance, more than creating the office of the director of national in- telligence has had no positive impact in the war against terror." The respondents seemed, essential- ly, to be saying that the U.S. needs to be smarter (less like a bull in a china shop) in its efforts to combat terror- ism. "Foreign policy experts have never been in so much agreement about an administration's perform- ance abroad," said Leslie Geib, presi- dent emeritus of the Council on For- eign Relations and a participant in the survey. "The reason is that it's clear to nearly all that Bush and his team have had a totally unrealistic view of what they can accomplish with mil- itary force and threats of force." The respondents stressed the im- portance of ending America's depend- ence on foreign oil, saying that could prove to be "the single most pressing priority in winning the war on terror." |
Eighty-two percent of the respondents said that ending the dependence on foriegn oil should have a higher priori- ty, and nearly two-thirds said the country's current energy policies were making matters worse, not bet- ter. "We borrow a billion dollars every working day to import oil, an increas- ing share of it coming from the Middle East," said Mr. Woolsey, the former C.I.A. director. The respondents also said it was crucially important for the U.S. to en- gage in a battle of ideas as part of a sustained effort to bring about a re- jection of radical ideologies in the Is- lamic world. That kind of battle re- quires more of a reliance on diplo- macy and other nonmilitary tools. If the respondents to this survey are correct, the U.S. needs to be moving in an entirely different direction. The war against terror cannot be won by bombing the enemy into submission. The bull in the china shop may be frightening at first, but after a while it's just enraging. We need a better, smarter way. |
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