the Illinois Prarie Path (N.W. [Elgin] Branch)
The Illinois Prarie Path replaced the Chicago Aurora & Elgin RailRoad after it was abandoned in the late 1950's.
Here is some History of the Elgin Branch, and some Rail Service System Maps from 1934 - 1950.
Having lived in Wheaton Illinois (12/1965 - 2/1991) I had the good fortune to be at the center city of the Illinois Prarie Path.
In the mid 1970's as kids we would ride East to Elmhurst ,
or North West (toward Elgin) to the "Pratt-Wayne Woods",
or South West Toward Aurora.
In the late 1990's, after moving out of Wheaton, I realized it had been years since I rode the path.
Between June of 1998, and Oct. of 1999 I was able to again ride all 3 branches of the path (on 9 separate days).
Also the Great Western Trail (a straight line between Villa Park and the N.W. end of West Chicago[3 separate days]), and also the "Geneva Spur" (July & Sept. 1999).
Between August 2001, and June 2005 I rode the Fox River Trail between Aurora and Algonquin Illinois, in 5 segments.
On 4/27/2003 I rode the "Batavia Spur"[see map (.pdf file)] between S.W. Warrenville Ill., and Batavia.
In 2004 I rode the "Great Western Trail" between St. Charles Ill., and Sycamore, (in 3 segments).
On 10/30/2005 I rode the "Prarie Trail" (a northern extension of the Fox River Trail) between Algonquin Ill., and Crystal Lake.
Then again on 5/25/2009 between Crystal Lake and McHenry Ill.
As you can see below, I realized it had been 15 years since I last rode the Elgin Branch.


• the V.L.Gilman Trail (2022) <-----<<<