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My _ List of WebCams _ from around the world. Added 5/22/2011

The Correct Time | Moon Phase

  V i d e o s   <- FEB.24 '24: Pg. 2, & 93 Updated

Misc. Lists: Choose: Normal   or w/Frames
2 Way Radio Logbooks Updated NOV. 19, 2023
FM Radio. Updated Sept 2023

Commentary (#194, & 195) added June,& Sept. '22

Links to Other Sites <- Updated 5/28/2023
Inhailer Radio
ISS 3-D tracking, & "3830scores" Links added 5/2019

Audio / Video (Pg.5 )Updated 5/16, 2023

(Music Videos updated 8/2022)

MY YouTube video Page 14 Updated NOV. 14, 2021

Check out the Patterns for wallpaper Updated Jan. 8, 2023 See Win 95 updated Decmbr-2022: See Win 3.1 area

Random Photos< UPDATED Sept/1/2022 the Gilman Trail at page Bottom

My Collection of Concert, (& Doc./Edu. Movie) Ticket Stubs
Updated Feb. 5, 2022
  See 2022-

Must-See New Video Shows Capitol Riot
Was Way Worse Than We Thought

Jan 8, 2021
All In

My 2019 Trip (One way flight, & Road Trip back)
Added 3 / 23/2019

Do you like Hi Performance Muscle Cars ?
Can you be in the Mid-Western U.S.A. in late June ?
If so, then the STREET MACHINE NATIONALS is for you !

UpDate: Links for 2013 - 2018 added

Chicago Oct.8,2011: Occupy Chicago, & Chicago Mass Action: my_ Pictures _,
& Video: Occupy Chicago , Chicago Mass Action

My _ pictures _from MADISON WI. 3/12/2011

Chicago Mass Action: Sat. October 16,2010

Pictures: Crusing: 1979 < Added Dec. 30, 2009

Pictures: Chicago May 8, 1994 < Added Dec. 10, 2009

17 Photos of my 1996 GRAND CANYON  DRIVE


"World Can't Wait" Protest Rally & March
Nov.2ed, 2005 Jan.31,'06 March 18,'06, > Oct.5th <Chicago
March 20, 2007 and Nation Wide

See what this page looked like 23 YEARS! AGO

Check out old Windows wallpaper 

Lollapalooza pictures

HEX-CODE_Color Chart ................................................................
My Return to the GATEWAY ARCH in St.Louis ( 8-24-2001 )

 101 photos of my 19 day 1999 Road Trip  Images added/Enlarged FEB. 2015

through many of the western states:

Nevada <--Utah <--Wyoming <--Nebraska <--Iowa <--Illinois
Colorado-> Kansas--> Missouri->       ^
Arizona->     ^
New Mexico

These photos are spread over 13 pages,
many of these pages have cool background patterns, and music !
^Top Of Page^

* * * *
|    |    |    |

Now over 60 photos of a 1990 Road Trip Updated 2/2015


^Top Of Page^

(c)J.P. 2001 mp3 : Morse Code at 20 w.p.m. 39Kb <

Sound Clip 9Kbmp3 comedy clip 11Kb

^Top Of Page^


New Details On Why Pence Refused To Get In Secret Service Car On Jan. 6
Apr 25, 2022 MSNBC

4:48 - Published on Apr 13, 2019
Fox News Hires Stupid Hosts for Its Equally Stupid Viewers .
Published on Oct 16, 2015 by Ring of Fire Radio

5:00 Jon Stewart on Cheney

still cheney after all these years
Clip 2/12/2013

More Videos > Here <,

Adam Schiff‏ @RepAdamSchiff
Adam Schiff Retweeted Deadspin
Local news stations now required by Sinclair Broadcasting to parrot the talking points of the President, moving America one step closer to its own version of state run media. And another freedom is assailed under this Administration.
7:10 AM - 2 Apr 2018

Norman Goldman @normangoldman
Norman Goldman Retweeted Adam Schiff
Didn't happen overnight. They've had a plan. Assiduously put it into place. Now we see it, as it's gotten so big. What have we done with OUR time? Handed George W. Bush and #BenedictDonald the presidency because of #PurityTests. Will WE learn? I've seen scant evidence of it.
7:26 AM - 2 Apr 2018

Mark Hamill‏ @HamillHimself
Retweeted Deadspin
Remember when state-run television only happened in foreign countries ruled by dictators?
9:44 AM - 2 Apr 2018

FOX, ABC, NBC, ect
Reject the Propaganda on the Corporate Media Broadcasts! Seek out the truth form Independent sources with uncensored reporting. Try these:
All In with Chris Hayes Live 7 PM CT weekNights
aljazeera < watch
Common Dreams
democracy now! < watch
The Guardian
The Majority Report
Mcclatchy news service
Moyers & Company
proligarchy News Blog <(10/2011 - 6/15/2018)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
The Young Turks

Tell Congress that Corporations Are NOT The People
Tell Congress To Impeach The Supreme Court 5

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