  The Commentary of people who have a brain between their ears, and a heart within their chest.  
(Understanding and Compassionate)
NOTE: These are best viewed with your Browser Maximized to Full Screen
Just A Reminder:  Our ..[FORMER (43)].."Leader" ...is/was.. illegitimate [il-le-git-i-mate].
This Is Hell (ongoing)
 A.1971 FEB.5  G.McGovern  B.1972 APr.25   G.McGovern  C.1973 OCT.11   G.McGovern  D.19780626   G.McGovern
 E.1983 MAY11   G.McGovern  F.19870627   G.McGovern  G.1999DEC5   G.McGovern  H.  
 I.    J.    K.    L.

 1.Wages  20021218  2.Patriots   20030211  3.american devil   20030221  4.ultimatium   20030318
 5.dissent   20030327  6.the war menu  7.9/11   20030523  8.GOP con   20030718
 9.quagmire   20030829 10.Bushies   20040407 11.Excuses   20040413 12.Hatred Justified 20040604
13.Reagan 20040615 14.Voices 20040723 15.forests 20040726 16.avalanche 20040728
17.Greed 20040820 18.RNC Aug.30 20040830 19.McCain Show 20040831 20. Dead Kids 20040902
21.Action Figures 20040903 22.CEO Test 20040903 23.Choice 20040910 24..Plottings 20040914
25.Dove 20040924 26.unfair burden 20040928 27.The People Speak 28.end the %&$# nightmare
29.What Uniter? 20041105 30.no monopoly20041109 31.how many more 20041112 32.Ohio Vote 20050104
33.Voting Rights 20050301 34.The Hypocrite 20050304 35.Democracy vs. Liberty20050316 36.Political Pandering 20050418.
37.Judiciary Threatened 20050426 38.Reagan-Rumsfeld a, b, ... 39.PBS_TV 20050515 40.Hands Off PBS
41.Out You Go 20050531 42.Truth And Deceit 20050602 43.Price of fear too high20050720 44.Blood Runs Red,,,, 20050818
45.Bully tactics 20050830 46.Rationale wrong 20050902 47.Looting20050913 48.%&$# oblivious.. 20050927
49.Lying 20051104 50.blured lines 20051111 51.Mavericks 20051215 52.Failures 20060131
 53.Science 20060213 54.     Fascism     55.Too Manly 20060324 56.Rumsfeld Critics 20060419
 57.W = Worst 20060424 58.Jail the Criminal 20060516 59.Strategy 20060523 60.Constitution 20060523
61.No Empire 20060616 62.Playing Politics20060626 63.Shifted Blame 20060627 64.No Credibility 20060627
65.The Wreckage20060629 66.Cheney20060707 67.Tyranny20060717 68.Who Grieves 20060728
69.9/11 Blame20060901 70.War Crimes20060911 71.Real News ?20060914 72.Wars20060915
73.9/11 Exploitation20060922 74.U.S. Democracy R.I.P. 20061017 75.Insulting20061103 76.New Spirit20061115
77.disastrous 20061117 78.duckworth 20061117 79.dixie chicks 20061117 80.Shopping ? ! 20061127
81.Murtha 20061127 82.B&$# not above law 20061205 83.Told You So 20061208 84.H.Res.1106 20061209
85.Vanity & Ego20070108 86.the UNjustice Deprtmnt.
87.bungling20070330 88.theocrats20070413
89.GOP spin20070413 90.Violent U.S.20070626 91.Murdoch20070629 92.Suckers20070706
93.Bridges,America20070807 94.Torture Gonzo20070807 95.Truth? Lie?20070905 96.Stop Big Media 20070926
97.Confidence20071001 98.Generation Q20071010 99.Mukasey20071031 100.60's-ideals20071207
101.It's the War Stupid 20080104 102A.the"Surge"20080416
103.the Toddler King 20080702 104.biggest-stick-up 20080704
105.Cause for alarm 20080705 106.
This is Horsesh*t
108A.Neocons-Georgia 20080815
109.Obama 20081023 110.Obama 20081028 111.Rethuglicans20081212 112.Jello ! 20081216
113.GOP Whiners 20090101 114.Forgive & Forget? 20090116 115.Tea Parties 20090412 116. Peace 20090507
117.Reagan Did It 20090601 118.Goodbye G.M. 20090601 119.Fading Species 20090602 120.McNamara 20090707
121.Palin-Capitalism 20090730 122. GE's Control 20090803 123. Spite 20091005 124. Disaster 20091214
125. Dysfunction 20091221 126. Not Yet Lost 2010Feb8 127. Bankruptcy 20100222 128. Socialism 20100301
129. Moyers Legacy 20100304 130. Plutocrats 20100329 131.Extreme GOP20100517 132.Foolishness 20100601
133.Neanderthals 20100719 134.Tax-Cut Racket 20100917 135.Banana-Republic 0924 136.One Nation 20100928
137. Losing Our Way20110326 138. Confronting the Malefactors
139. panic of plutocrats
140. Rabbit-Hole Economics
141. Occupy the moment20111014 142. understanding debt20120102 143. Moochers20120217 144. Afghanistan20120301
145. 20-names20120612 146. George McGovern 20121016 147. George McGovern 20121019 148. "Come Home America" '72
149. George McGovern R.I.P. 20121021 150. George McGovern 20121021 151. G.McGovern:7/19/1922-10/21/2012 20121021 152. McGovern20121022
153. G. McGovern20121022 154. S. Dakota bids farewell20121026 155. G. McGovern 1946 20121026 156. the big fail 20130107
157. the Big Deal 20130121 158. Mass Distraction 20130712 159. the-yahoos 20131017 160. Obama gets real 20131206
161. enemies 20140113 162. a Fantasy 20140318 163. Lessons 20140708 164. Anti-intellectualism 20150623
165. monopolies 20151204 166. fountain-pen economy 20151223 167. We the People 20151224 168. educational hell 20151229
169. Bernie Black-Out 20160510

170. This Was Never About Bernie
171. What Bernie Sanders Gave
      to America Today
172. Falsehoods 20170122
173. The Problem 20170714 174. It Never Ends 20170927 175. McCarthyism Redux 20171116 176. Amazon=bad 20180212
177. Guns 20180312 178. THE WORST 20180329 179. A Free Press Needs You|| 20180815 180. Fahrenheit 11/920180920
181. Conrad Black 20190516 182. stain remains 20190516 183. NOT better  20190625 184. BIG BUSINESS WILL
      NOT Save Us
185. Republicans Hijacked
186. Corporate Social Responsibility is a-Scam 20200101 187. Crumbling US Senate 20200202 188. GOP Fear 20200205
189. T$&#% lights a match 20200227 190. Post Office 20200412 191. He blew it 20200515 192. T$&#% & twitter 20200528
193. threat to civilization 20200626 194. Bob Stroud 20220607 195. ...in the UP 20220920 196. Public Service Announcement 2024Nov2
197. The American Experiment 2024Nov8 198. Voters... 2024Nov8 199. Peering ahead 2024Nov8 200. Jimmy Carter20241229
201. 202. 203. 204.
Wake up sheeple.
The Republicans have been in
control of the broadcast media for
40+ years.
( R.Reagan's DeRegulation):
The F.C.C. doesn't revoke the
broadcast License of radio and
Tv Stations that broadcast
programing by the
FOX "News" (propaganda) Network

The Propaganda that can be found 
on the "Fox Network" 
is now everywhere
When the news media is afraid
to report the truth, 
or is threatened by the White House
and told not to report anything 
unfavorable about the President,
this is a sign of a dictator.(G.W.B&$#, Nixon, T$&#p)
We will never forget11/07/00
Update: 7/28/2015

Cartoons <----<<

Disease of Permanent War 5-18-2009

Saving the Big 3 for You and Me <- Added DEC / 5 / '08

American Fascisim Here and Now

Marjorie Cohn<Added 8/29/'07

^Top Of Page^

"Dubya's" War is :

Consider This: 9/11 may have been an effort by the people of the "Middle East" to defend themselves against a U.S. Invasion, that Republicans were planning since 1997.
Read this manifesto by the American group "P.N.A.C." an offensive group of
evil people, bent on World Domination. see: This Page. <-----<<<

Mark Crispin Miller   < Updated Sep 28th/'06: Excerpts from Pgs. 197,198 added
Updated Oct. 20/'06: parts of pgs.207,208,218,219,268 added


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^Updatad Sep. 3, '06^


^Chicago Report^Added Oct.9


OCT. 2010



Jan. 11th




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